Name/TitlePostcard: The Letter
About this objectPostcard promoting a Kenyan documentary called The Letter, directed and produced by Chris King and Maia von Lekow. The front features two black African women in a field, while the back provides a synopsis of the film.
Collected in Nairobi during a two-way cultural exchange between Glasgow Women's Library and Book Bunk Kenya in 2019.
Maker RoleFunder
MakerCircle & Square Ltd
Maker RoleProduction Company
Place MadeKenya, Nairobi
Medium and MaterialsOrganic, paper
MeasurementsH: 102 x W: 147 mm
Subject and Association KeywordsAfrican culture
Subject and Association KeywordsPolitical activism
Subject and Association KeywordsWitchcraft
Subject and Association Keywordscolonisation, colonialism, colonial legacy
Subject and Association KeywordsFilm-making
Subject and Association Description
We believe good documentaries are intimate observations of the world’s identities and people captured by talented, driven, creative filmmakers – films able to uncover new realities because they are authored by authentic local voices, films that offer viewers new perspectives of society.
We want to create an authentic body of work that provides personalized glimpses into world, issues and lives that would ordinarily remain undocumented.
We want to create a movement that will challenge ideas and assumptions about the world as we know and live it and provoke healthy, democratic dialogue and debate between our fellow citizens.
We believe that to change and inspire society, we need to support films that can spark off debate, films that get talked about, films that contribute to the formation of a vibrant documentary film movement across eastern Africa.
And we want to do this because we believe that stories well told can make the world a better place to live.
Named CollectionGlasgow Women's Library
Object TypePostcard
Object numberGWL-2019-99-4
Copyright LicenceAll rights reserved