Name/TitlePostcard: Leap Year
About this object"National" Series No. 116: Depicting a woman wearing a hat, glasses, gloves, short jacket and long skirt proposing to a man in top hat and formal wear, who is turning away from her and looking somewhat annoyed, and captioned "LEAP YEAR [underlined] ~ Marry me, dear, and I'll make you happy." Someone has drawn a speech bubble saying "Not likely" from the man's mouth.
MakerMillar & Lang Ltd
Maker RoleArt Publisher
Place NotesGlasgow and London
Medium and MaterialsOrganic, card
Inscription and MarksOn front, on drawing, in faded ink: "not likely2
On back, top right, in pencil: "£1"
Correspondence: [At right angles, in ink] "How will this do for your collection. Are there any old maids you know who would like to propose, now is their chance. Kind regards [V?]"
Addressee: Miss N. James, Healthfield, Sevenoaks, Kent
Halfpenny stamp postmarked Port Talbot 10 AM Feb 17 1904
MeasurementsH: 140 x W: 90 mm
Subject and Association Keywordswomen's suffrage, right to vote
Subject and Association KeywordsPostcards - gender stereotypes
Subject and Association Keywordsmarriage, weddings
Named CollectionGlasgow Women's Library
Object TypePostcard
Object numberGWL-2022-26-10
Copyright LicenceAll rights reserved