Name/TitlePostcard: When Woman dons the Trousers
About this object"National" Series No. 1641: Captioned "When Woman dons the Trousers" and depicting a man in a brown overcoat politely doffing his hat to a smiling woman in a long green buttoned tunic and harem pants.
MakerMillar & Lang Ltd
Maker RoleArt Publisher
Place NotesGlasgow and London
Medium and MaterialsOrganic, card
Inscription and MarksOn back, top right, in pencil: "SUFFRAGETTES"
Correspondence: [At right angles, in ink] "Dear Lily ~ I am glad to hear from you once again ~ Nora [surrounded in kisses]"
Addressee: none
No stamp or postmark
MeasurementsH: 139 x W: 88 mm
Subject and Association Keywordswomen's suffrage, right to vote
Subject and Association KeywordsPostcards - gender stereotypes
Subject and Association KeywordsFashion - clothing
Named CollectionGlasgow Women's Library
Object TypePostcard
Object numberGWL-2022-26-15
Copyright LicenceAll rights reserved