Name/TitleStickers: Glasgow Equal Pay
About this objectA4+ sheet of stickers with a purple background bearing the UNISON logo and the words 'Glasgow Equal Pay ~ PAY JUSTICE NOW ~ Equality For All' in green and white lettering.
Date Made2018
Place MadeScotland, Glasgow
Medium and MaterialsOrganic, paper
MeasurementsH: 320 x W: 226 mm (full sheet)
Dia: 51 mm (individual sticker)
Subject and Association KeywordsPolitical activism
Subject and Association KeywordsEqual pay
Subject and Association Keywordswomen's work & labour
Subject and Association KeywordsGender equality
Subject and Association Description
"Thousands of women across Glasgow demanded Glasgow City Council resolve the long-standing equal pay dispute – the largest of its kind since the Equal Pay Act was introduced – and won. Home carers, caterers, cleaners, school workers and other council staff brought Glasgow to a standstill on 23 and 24 October [2018] as they took part in a 48-hour strike. Together we have taken the fight to the courts and to the streets and we will continue to fight until each and every one of our members gets the equal pay they have earned and deserve."
Named CollectionGlasgow Women's Library
Object TypeSticker
Object numberGWL-2019-69-19
Copyright LicenceAll rights reserved