Name/TitleBadge: Womenzade
About this objectCircular badge, rusting around the edges, with a bright green background, featuring the Venus symbol in groups of three (like bubbles) around the word 'WOMENZADE', which runs diagonally in black lettering.
Date Madec.1980s
Medium and MaterialsInorganic, metal and plastic
Subject and Association KeywordsCampaigns against violence against women
Subject and Association Description
Scottish Women’s Aid is the lead organisation in Scotland working towards the prevention of domestic abuse. We play a vital role coordinating, influencing and campaigning for effective responses to domestic abuse.
We work with a network of 34 specialist local Women’s Aid groups toward a shared vision of a Scotland where domestic abuse is not tolerated.
This badge is likely to have been made as part of the SWA campaign c.1980s.
Named CollectionGlasgow Women's Library
Object TypeBadge
Object numberGWL-2015-111-50
Copyright LicenceAll rights reserved