Name/TitleScrapbook: Millicent Fawcett
About this objectRing-bound scrapbook with buff coloured covers bearing the heading 'This scrapbook belongs to Millicent Garrett Fawcett' beside an image of the eponymous "author". Contains scraps in the form of "newspaper articles, letters and notes" and pictures pertaining to key moments in Fawcett's life. Created by Ellen Renton, a pupil at St Thomas of Aquin's R.C. High School, Edinburgh.
Fully digitised (18 pages)
MakerRenton, Ellen
Date Made2009
Place MadeScotland, Edinburgh
Medium and MaterialsInorganic, metal
Organic, card and paper
MeasurementsH: 293 x W: 232 x D: 25 mm
Subject and Association Keywordseducation & learning
Subject and Association Keywordswomen's suffrage, right to vote
Subject and Association Keywordsart & creativity
Subject and Association KeywordsGender equality
Subject and Association DescriptionOne of a selection of entries from the 2009 Votes for Women Schools Competition organised by Edinburgh EIS (Educational Institute of Scotland: to mark the 1909 women's suffrage demonstration in Edinburgh. Schools in Edinburgh were invited to enter individual and group work in any medium on the theme of Votes for Women.
Dame Millicent Garrett Fawcett GBE (née Garrett; 11 June 1847 – 5 August 1929) was an English politician, writer and feminist. She campaigned for women's suffrage by legal change and in 1897–1919 led Britain's largest women's rights association, the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS), explaining, "I cannot say I became a suffragist. I always was one, from the time I was old enough to think at all about the principles of Representative Government." She tried to broaden women's chances of higher education, as a governor of Bedford College, London (now Royal Holloway) and co-founding Newnham College, Cambridge in 1875. In 2018, a century after the Representation of the People Act, she was the first woman honoured by a statue in Parliament Square.
Named CollectionGlasgow Women's Library
Object TypeScrapbook
Object numberGWL-2022-153-4
Copyright LicenceAll rights reserved