Name/TitleScottish Fish Recipes
MakerMathie, Johanna
Maker RoleAuthor
About this objectSlim paperback booklet titled 'Scottish Fish Recipes', compiled by Johanna Mathie. The short blurb on the back cover states: "Scotland's rivers and lochs are famous for their salmon, but its coastal and inland waters also provide a rich harvest of fish and shellfish of many kinds." The first page shares a Scottish proverb, "Gude health is better than wealth", and the recipes are interspersed with sepia photographs of renowned fishing or seafood locations throughout Scotland.
Partially digitised (4 pages incl. covers and index)
Medium and MaterialsOrganic, paper
MeasurementsH: 118 x W: 172 mm
Date Made2001
Place MadeEngland, Sevenoaks
Place NotesJ. Salmon Ltd, 100 London Road, Sevenoaks, Kent
PublisherJ. Salmon Ltd
Publication Date2001
Publication PlaceEngland, Sevenoaks
Series TitleSalmon Recipe Books
Subject and Association Keywordscookery, cooking, recipes
Subject and Association KeywordsEnvironment - ecology
Object TypeBooklet
Object numberGWL-2023-17-7
Copyright LicenceAll rights reserved