Name/TitleParenthood: Design or Accident?
EditionRevised and Enlarged
MakerFielding, Michael
Maker RoleAuthor
About this objectPaperback book titled 'Parenthood: Design or Accident? A Manual of Birth-Control' by Michael Fielding with a preface by H.G. Wells. Priced two shillings net. First published in 1928; new and enlarged edition, reprinted in 1934. The contents are listed as follows:
- Preface
- Introduction
- Chapter I. The Meaning of Birth-Control
- Chapter II. The Sociological Factor
- Chapter III. The General Principles of Contraception
- Chapter IV. Methods of Contraception
- Chapter V. Methods of the Future
- Chapter VI. Objections to Birth-Control
- Chapter VII. The Propaganda of Birth-Control
- Appendix I. Birth-Control Clinics
- Appendix II. List of Clinics
- Glossary
- List of Books for Future Reading
- Publishers' Note
- Index
- Diagrams
Partly digitised (16 pages incl. front page, preface, introduction & index)
Medium and MaterialsOrganic, paper
MeasurementsH: 165 x W: 105 x D: 12 mm
Date Made1934
Place MadeEngland, London
Place NotesNoel Douglas Ltd, 28-30 Little Russell Street, W.C.1.
PublisherNoel Douglas Ltd
Publication Date1928
Publication PlaceEngland, London
Subject and Association Keywordspregnancy - birth control and planning
Subject and Association KeywordsHealth & well-being
Named CollectionGlasgow Women's Library
Object TypeBook
Object numberGWL-2016-151-3
Spine LabelPARENTHOOD ~ MICHAEL FILEDING ~ Revised and Enlarged Edition
Copyright LicenceAll rights reserved