Name/TitleGeografía Política de los Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres
MakerMilagros Agrupación Feminista
About this objectSpanish-language paperback publication titled 'Geografía Política de los Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres' (Political Geography of Women's Human Rights) Volume 4 in the 'Serie por la Vida y la Libertad de las Mujeres' (Series for the Life and Liberty of Women). Printed and made in Mexico.
Medium and MaterialsOrganic, paper
MeasurementsH: 215 x W: 273 x D: 8 mm
Date Made2010
Place MadeMexico
PublisherMilagros Agrupación Feminista
Publication DateFeb 2010
Publication PlaceMexico
Series TitleSerie por la Vida y la Libertad de las Mujeres
Number in SeriesVol. 4
Subject and Association Keywordshuman rights, civil rights
Subject and Association KeywordsFeminism, feminist movement
Named CollectionGlasgow Women's Library
Object TypeBook
Object numberGWL-2024-22-2
Spine LabelGeografía Política de los Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres ~ 4
Copyright LicenceAll rights reserved