Name/TitleClock: VOTES FOR WOMEN
About this objectBrass-mounted ball clock with flattened spot on the back allowing it to stand on a flat surface (possibly also used as a paperweight). The face portrays a miserable-looking gentleman in his night attire with a screaming baby on each knee, and has 'VOTE FOR WOMEN' anti-clockwise around the edge of the face, each letter corresponding to a number of the clock.
Place MadeGreat Britain
MeasurementsH: 85 x W: 75 x D: 95 mm
Subject and Association KeywordsSuffragettes
Subject and Association KeywordsStereotyping
Subject and Association KeywordsWomen's suffrage
Named CollectionGlasgow Women's Library
Object TypeTimepiece
Object numberGWL-2010-80
Copyright LicenceAll rights reserved