Name/TitleBadge: NAME
About this objectCircular badge with three faces in profile in centre grey, white and black. Text underneath in black: The National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME).
Periodlate 20th century
Medium and MaterialsInorganic, plastic
MeasurementsDia: 30 mm
Subject and Association Keywords(anti) racism
Subject and Association KeywordsMulticultural
Subject and Association Keywordseducation & learning
Subject and Association DescriptionNAME is a non-profit organization that advances and advocates for equity and social justice through multicultural education.
"NAME was an organisation which initially promoted multicultural and later multicultural education. I was a member of the Glasgow branch in the 1970's. It was a time of immigration from the Indian subcontinent and Hong Kong, among other countries. The organisation was set up to support programmes for non-English speaking and bilingual pupils in multiracial schools.
The organisation aimed to ensure that multiracial and multicultural education was embedded in the curriculum of all schools. It celebrated Diversity. It did not initially challenge racism but developed into an anti-racist movement. There were branches all over Britain, and one branch in Glasgow. It encouraged he development of teaching materials for multiracial and other schools, held festivals of friendship among local schools and held annual conferences to spread information among branches, on all aspects of multicultural education.
It was a relatively new concept then, and some of the aspects now would seem outdated and naive, but it raises consciousness, and understanding of the issues involved. Its members were largely active in left wing politics, and people involved in multicultural schools - teachers, lecturers and academics."
Named CollectionGlasgow Women's Library
Object TypeBadge
Object numberGWL-2013-49-1
Copyright LicenceAll rights reserved