Name/TitlePostcard: Oh Woman If You Chatter So
About this objectPostcard No. 722 captioned "OH WOMAN IF YOU CHATTER SO IN THAT BEASTLY SQUEAKY TONE, YOU CEASE TO BE A WOMAN AND BECOME A GRAMAPHONE [sic]" depicting a woman with a gramophone horn for a nose.
MakerC. & H. Gurnsey
Maker RolePublisher
Place MadeEngland, London
Place NotesPaddington, W.
Medium and MaterialsOrganic, card
Inscription and MarksNo correspondence, address or postmark
MeasurementsH: 90 x W: 140 mm
Subject and Association Keywordswomen's suffrage, right to vote
Subject and Association KeywordsMisogyny
Subject and Association KeywordsPostcards - mouths & voices
Named CollectionGlasgow Women's Library
Object TypePostcard
Object numberGWL-2015-120-5
Copyright LicenceAll rights reserved